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Medical reform in Ukraine: pay or die

2015-02-07  Tatiana Matsokha

Medical reform in Ukraine: pay or die

Most of the respondents (93.3%) think that the health reform must be carried in Ukraine. At the same time most of them don’t know how to do it.
Nowadays the health expenses account for only 2.8 % of the GDP. It means only 3-7 dollars per capita. So Ukraine takes position 96 among 176 countries in the world. >>


BBC: it turns out that the Syrian militants also commit crimes against humanity

2013-10-11  translation by HBT

On August 4, 2013 Syrian militants killed around 190 civilians and kidnapped another 200 in an assault on several Alawite villages on the outskirts of Latakia, according to the BBC report www.bbc.co.uk in Russian, with references to a report by Human Rights Watch. >>


Marxist aesthetics and the socialist realism of Geli Korzhev

2013-04-07  Vitaly Pershin

With Geli Korzhev’s demise, the socialist realism tradition has suffered a severe loss. Yet, an even greater blow was suffered by the critics of both the socialist realism and the real communism when at the beginning of the new millennium, prompted by his ageing, the humble artist allowed himself some publicity that made a stunning impression on the broad public. Now, various communist web sites upload his long-forgotten masterpieces such as such as “The Communists”, while the general public is astonished at many of his later works which may not portray the communist proletarian struggle, but remain firmly within the socialist realism framework – no matter how deeply Marxist, but inherently early-socialist. >>


Ukraine has lost 106 jobs in 2010


The head of the Pension Fund of Ukraine Boris Saichuk informed, that during the past 2010 year Ukraine has lost 106 jobs. First of all, the building sector was affected, what brought to the layoffs in the related spheres. Besides, the jobs in chemical and metallurgical industry were reduced. >>


Cuba managed to reduce the infant mortality rate to 4,5 per 1 000 live births


23 municipalities reached the zero rate of infant deaths. The province with the least rate is Villa Clara (2,5), the province with the highest rate is Sankti Spiritus (4,9). The specialists say, that the factors which helped to reduce the rate were vaccination against 13 illnesses, which includes almost 100% of children and the growing education level. >>


The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs thanks Cuba


The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Konstantin Grishchenko, who is now officially visiting Cuba, thanks the government of Cuba for the medical help which this small island rendered to 26 000 of Ukrainian citizens who suffered from the Chernobyl accident in 1986. Grishchenko visited the health resort in Tarara, where the program of treatment and health improvement is being carried out. >>


Ukrainian metropolitans and patriarchs live in luxurious villas


The metropolitan of Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow patriarchate Vladimir live in a luxury house in Kiev in a district, where a ground lot costs 5 million grivnas. >>


Ukrainian government starts struggling with offshore


Ukrainian businessmen have a traditional scheme of money laundering. It is made through the Cyprus banks: they output money there and then invest it (like investments) into the Ukrainian enterprises. Billions of dollars are taken out of the taxation in this unsophisticated way. >>




Today the anniversary of "Holodomor" is being celebrated in Ukraine. This year the authorities decided not to make a big show of it like the previous president Yushchenko did. >>


From Grateful Ukraine to Noble Cuba: 20 Years of Program of Cuban Help to Ukrainian Chernobyl children

2010-11-12  L. Ivashkevich

On November 3 and 4th the practical-scientific conference "From grateful Ukraine to noble Cuba" took place in the National technical university of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute". The conference was devoted to the 20 anniversary of the program of medical help which Cuba has given to Ukrainian children who suffered from the results of the Chernobyl accident in 1986. >>


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